Monday, May 5, 2008


Finally i toke a stepping steps to see my Uni at Kampar, reali far from wat im thinking from the beginning of my studies.HAiz.....reali "horrible" for me cause the place from the guard house is far far far upon my imagine.Next time reali dunno how 2 travel 2 my study blog lo, mayb the onli transport is UTAR bus gua....if not a walk sure until die wan lo mayb next time can swim to my campus la cause in front of it just a big big lake.must bring more swimming suit 2 my Uni next time lo.Hahahahaha......everyone my Uni mate, don be stun when u pay a visit 2 the place o cause it reali out of wat u think de o mayb it more like a study environment for us la but it reali far far different from here(where we study now) not even can see a skyscrapers like here all building also very very low only.but the environment there is more like study place compare wit here la cause there less interruption form elsewhere such as air pollution, noise pollution and others.Apart from dat the living standards not as high as here la mayb the spending over there wil be more cheaper from wat i see la or mayb just a illusion, who knows.....

Besides that i rali dunno how many students from our foundation studies wil continue study at Kampar but as i know onli got few cause others wil be continue at Setapak for several sem then onli wil move to kampar n continue study at there.Dunno when onli can all meet together le?Or mayb not even can meet together cause i wil graduate after three years but most of them is four years....Haiz.....then how le??Then must wait lo.....All the best to my frens,Good luck n all the best in their life n wat the do la.All the best la....Hope all healthy there....

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